Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Friday, June 24, 2011


As I expected, the first day in college, I got tons of work already need to be done. Guess I have a big sign board sticking on me saying, "Give me something to do". Ahahaha

Anyway, it's fine by me. It's not that I'm not capable of doing it anyway. It's just a matter of time management. Right? ^^

A week here, I met two juniors from my former secondary school. Great, don't you think? Means I'll have friends to accompany me if I'm going back for sem-break. Yeeehhaaaaa!! :)

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