Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Sunday, July 10, 2011


I learnt quite a lesson today. :)
Let me tell you from the beginning. After the performance (Malam Gema Budaya), my hair was badly damaged and I look like a mad woman. Seriously. So I was thinking of going to salon the next day which is Saturday. Due to extreme tiredness, I couldn't get off my bed until the evening so it was quite late already to go to salon. So I planned to go on Sunday. Which means, I won't be able to go to church and I picked to go to SALON instead of going to CHURCH. (I know how stupid it sounded)

But then, an angel call Dominic (our Christian Fellowship's President) suddenly passed by me that Saturday night. Our conversation began:

Dom: G church esok c? (Are you going to church tomorrow?)
Me: em..... g..... knk? (I'm going. Why?)
Dom: C, ada sorg budak junior L ya mok join. Ny anglikan juak. Ktk ngan jeremy jak anglikan so ktk la mbk ny esok. (Nothing, there's a junior from L unit want to come with you. He's Anglican so since you and Jeremy are the only students from Anglican, you guys should bring him along tomorrow.)
Me: Ok, c hal. Lak mek cntact ny. (Okay, sure. I'll contact him later.)

So I changed my plan -- from going to Salon, to going to church -- with a super-damn-heavy heart. It's like I'm going to church just because I have to. It was Sunday. And amazingly the Father of the church talked about something which really hit me.

"As human, we always forget Him. We put our wants first rather than our need -- which is our God. Some people even went to church for only three times in their whole life -- when they HATCHED (after they were born-baptized), when they were MATCHED (they got married), and when they DISPATCHED (they were dead)."

I was speechless. Thank God, He sent me an angel to bring me back to Him. I am so sorry, Lord Jesus. :(

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