Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

My New Movie!

Okay, after the beauty pageant thing, I have to admit, life is a wowww!!!! So here's my new movie. Here I come, Hollywood!!!

Here's a synopsis about this movie - Cash:

When a suitcase is thrown out of a car which is involved in a car chase and lands on the car of Sam Phelan (Chris Hemsworth), he initially curses his luck. But then he finds the suitcase is loaded with money. After bringing the money to his home, he convinces his wife Leslie (Lala Koh), that they should use the money.

Meanwhile Pyke Kubic (Sean Bean) visits his twin brother Reese (also Bean) in jail, who tells him that he threw a suitcase with about half a million dollars from his car, when he was being chased by the police. Pyke decides to go and find the money.
After Pyke finds the Phelans, he asks for the money back. They return whatever money they have left after they bought a new car, furniture and other minor expenses. Pyke forces the Phelans to rob stores, in order to get him the amount of money the Phelans spent, which they do, reluctantly at first, but later with more of a taste for it. After robbing over ten stores in the course of a few days, they are still short on the money, and Sam proposes to rob a bank. There he changes the gun without bullets which Pyke gave him with that of the guards, and shoots Pyke in a struggle. Pyke's car and his corpse are sent to a junkyard, where a worker is bribed into destroying the car and the body.
The Phelans again keep the money, but return all they stole, adding damages for people who got hurt in the course of the robberies. Unknown to them, Reese, the true owner of the cash, has been released from prison.

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