Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Awesome Holiday!

I must say that this holiday is just as awesome as it can be! Attending my sister's wedding with my friends from my college, being a tourist at my own hometown, having great meals everyday, damn, I call this heaven! :D

However, since my sister got married, everybody starts focusing on me. Asking whether I've found that someone, whether I'm interested in their sons, whether I'm still single and available, oh it scares the shit out of me! Ahahaha
You see, I'm still young. Just because it's my turn now, doesn't mean I have to find a man right away, no? I still have what, 3 more years to graduate? Come on, give me a break!

Okay, forget that. Have you ever be a tourist at your own town? If no, you are so gonna regret! I used to think that we can go to all these tourists' attraction at our hometown ANYTIME. Well, that's true. But the next question I should have asked myself was "when?" So I decided to go around Sandakan as a tourist for the first time and I found myself being very excited spending my time around! It's like I now see Sandakan as a very different place than the one that I've always seen. Oh, how I love my city!

Next topic is fooooodddddd.. ahahaha
I've been living like a princess lately. Waking up with a Ferrero Rocher chocolate as breakfast, or a Kinder Bueno, or a bread toast, having a long hot shower.. of course a princess doesn't do that. What I meant was I was living happily like a princess. :)
How I love it when I can have desserts after having my meals. You see, being a college student, everything is limited. You can't choose to live luxuriously in college unless it's okay for you to ask money from your parents. For me, being a young adult, I'd rather work than to ask money from my parents. But of course sometimes there has to be an exception. Ehehe
However, being home, everything is there. It's like "food, food everywhere". And it's not just food, it's angels' food. Ahahaha

I guess that's all for now. Talking about food makes me hungry. Ahahahaha

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