Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is it right to compare your students to animals?

What an absurd question..
Of course NOT! And it never is!
Comparing your students to animals is like saying your standard is as the same as animals because you are of your students' own species. Can't you even think of that?

A situation of which my friend and I encountered today morning:

A student and her friends were on their way up meanwhile me and my friend were on our way going down the stairs. We didn't noticed that there's a so-called-lecturer behind us. Then suddenly after the girl and her friends passed by, the lecturer said this shocking sentence to that girl straight to her face, in front of her friends, "you call yourself a teacher? You even walk like a bull!" and walked down with her chin up.
I was seriously shocked. How can she, a lecturer, someone who should have good manner, who should've show good examples, say out that kind of thing? Seriously? Unforgivable. It is understandable that you want to produce a good teacher in the future, that is why you don't want that girl to behave like that, but do you have to act that way? (By the way, I still couldn't imagine how did the girl walk that the lecturer has to say the not-so-clever sentence) Can't you just call that girl and talk to her personally? Don't you think it will be a better idea to do so? Let's do some respect business here, will you? This world has enough war, we don't need any more hatred. Spread some love. Come on.

To all the future teachers out there, listen here. I am no one to advice all of you but you should know this fact;
They are human just like you. They have feelings too. Having power doesn't mean you have the right to embarrass others. You want to be respected so you have to start by respecting others. So this is the world today, manners are just history..

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