Magandang Arau! ^.^

U must be thinking, what the hell does that mean? Actually it just simply means: good day, one of the way for the Philippines to greet each other. So, Magandang Arau everyone!! :)

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Since I was a little girl, I had always wished that I was taller. Looking at my sisters - I hate to admit this but I am jealous of their height. Well, at least give me 160cm and above! Because of being so short, I have  to kill my dream of becoming a stewardess. I know my skin isn't that clean and clear but if I want to, I can take those chemical things to make my skin better right? But height? I can't do anything to make me taller!!! Sob Sob.....

And then today, looking at 'her', I suddenly wish I am shorter. So irony, don't you think? Ahahaha
yeah, I wish I AM shorter...
They said, be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it. Okay, now I am scared. Ahahaha

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